

Part of my normal running route involves a street called stratford street. It's .75 miles long, and has several cross streets that I loop through. In january, when I started this route, I noticed that the street sign at one such cross street didn't identify stratford street as stratford street, but as standard street. I'm not sure how long this had been going on, but it confused me. It definitely wasn't a case of the street names changing after a bit, because it was correctly marked as stratford street at both the intersection before and the intersection after. It was just some poor schmuck who messed up on either the printing or the hanging of the sign. In any case, it became part of my routine- I liked heading up kenneth street and snickering at the standard street sign. A couple of days ago, I was on the other side of the street, and noticed that the sign was correct at the intersection in question. I was shocked, and crossed over to see it from my normal vantage point, but it too, read correctly as stratford street. I was rather sad not to have my comforting standard sign, although I'm sure all those confused motorists are much happier.

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