

During our long drive this past weekend, I was talking to my dad about running shoes. I got some new ones last friday, and mentioned that you're supposed to replace them every 350 to 500 miles since that's when they start to break down and cause problems. My dad asked how much new ones cost, and when I told him mine are usually about $100, he pointed out that I'm paying $0.20 per mile- about the price of gas. Ouch.


And said...

So, when you think about it, if you can run for the same price you can drive, driving is pretty inexpensive! driving should be the luxury and thus, much, much more expensive.

stephanie said...

Ya, no kidding! Although the $0.20 per mile doesn't take into account car upkeep, etc. which would add on a bit, but it does make you think! Especially since the new shoes I got (I switched the ones I got on Friday for a lighter pair since they felt too heavy) are pretty light and will therefore break down sooner. The guys told me to replace them closer to 350 miles, which would make them cost $0.29 per mile. Gee wiz.