

For years and year, my dad used listerine after brushing- the blue kind. Once I came around to the whole flossing and rinsing after brushing idea, I too started using listerine. Sure, my mouth burned and my eyes watered, and I swear my gums felt swollen afterwards, but my mouth felt nice and fresh and clean. I felt I was doing something to keep my teeth from falling out of my head, plus, my dad's a pretty smart guy, so why not follow in his footsteps. Then everything changed. Several months ago, I learned that he had switched over to act. I wasn't sure what to think at first. Listerine had been such a stable (or is it staple? I never can remember...) product in his life- something I associated with him- and the thought of him swishing with anything else was more than a little shocking. Then he told me about the fluoride- act has it, listerine doesn't, and the fluoride is what closes up those little holes in your teeth and makes them stronger. So I decided to give it a shot. I've been using act faithfully since last fall, and I've never really liked it. It leaves a fake sweet flavor in my mouth after rinsing, and never really makes my mouth feel clean like listerine did. Well, today everything changed. While browsing the isles in my local cvs looking for new deodorant, I came across a new product, listerine tooth defense. Yup- this minty flavored purple liquid combines both fluoride and the sharpness of listerine into one bottle, and it leaves my mouth fresh, without the gross aftertaste. A+.

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