

I have my own real life soap opera to watch. During *e's* ballet class on monday from 2:15 to 3pm, I sit in the waiting area of boston ballet school, and pretend to read my book. I lean forward or back with my legs crossed, and flip a page every so often just to maintain some sense of believability. In fact, I'm really listening to the two yuppie moms who sit nearby. I've never thought much of eavesdropping (or of the people who do it), but for some reason, this feels different. At first, I really was trying to read, and was annoyed that they were chatting enough to distract me. Then I started listening to what they were chatting about, and became engrossed in the dramatically complex lives of the well-to-do mommy crowd.
At first, it was all gossip between the two of them. Then, a few weeks before christmas, I heard mommy 1 (m1) discussing her marriage, or lack thereof. It appears that she and her husband were separating, which seemed a mere formality before the inevitable divorce. My curiosity was peeked. Could it be that these otherwise "perfect" women were really just a wealthier, more attractive version of the middle american mom? Over the next few weeks, I learned that the husband of m1 was seeing someone else, something she suspected had been going on before they split up. How did she know this? He left his cell phone at the house (where she stayed with the kids) after dropping them back to her after a visit. She looked through the dialed and received calls, and found many to one number- which she then called. There were also text messages that left no need for further confirmation. Surprisingly, she claimed that this made her feel better. I'm not sure if it's because she thinks she'll get a better divorce settlement, or if she's just in denial. She's keeping this bit of info to herself (and her sister, and mommy 2 (m2), and now all of you) for now, and put the phone back where it had been. In the morning, it was gone. (Presumably taken on his way to work). M2 pretty much played the supportive, yet dirt seeking friend, and nodded affirmingly every so often. Today, m1 mainly talked about school problems, since apparently, she and the kids are moving. She's debating between the spanish language school, the art focused school, and the school that some friend's kids go to.
M2 piped in with some noteworthy remarks today, which was a change from her usual backup mode. She was discussing all the instructors her kids have (tennis, piano, ski, etc), and how they all think she's attractive. I'm not sure how this came about- whether one of them actually told her so, or if she's just full of herself- but she mentioned how nice and flattering it was to have younger men think she (and other mothers, of course) was hot. For the record, she is attractive, and I could see younger men thinking she's hot, but who would actually go around bragging about this in public? It seems she has much lower self esteem than I would have pegged her for.
I've started looking forward to these weekly tidbits, and will be sure to update you all on the happenings of m1 and m2 as they unfold.

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