

I've been kicked off fiber for three days. Yesterday was day one, today's day two, and tomorrow's day three. I usually get a ton a fiber throughout the day, so it's really been challenging to keep it minimal. The hardest thing I've noticed, is that most healthy food (veggies, whole wheat stuff, fruit, etc) has a bunch of fiber in it. This means that the only foods I can keep eating from my usual stuff are meat (chicken and turkey mainly), yogurt, cheese, and eggs. My doctor told me to eat all the white stuff that you're normally supposed to limit- potato's, white bread, pasta, etc. So instead of my normal fiber filled cereal, I'm eating fruity cheerios. They're pretty much a healthier version of fruit loops. They taste exactly the same, but have way less sugar, and a ton of vitamins added in. I tried white bread with my turkey for lunch (no more lettuce or tomato for me) and I realized that I don't even like the taste of it anymore. It tastes fake. Gross. I had spaghetti for dinner, and couldn't believe how small the serving size really was. Two oz of dry pasta is only about 50 sticks of spaghetti, and that has a bunch of calories and carbs in it. 50 sounds like a lot, but when you look at it, it's tiny. So I had 3 oz with some chicken and spaghetti sauce. The biggest difference I've noticed, is that even though I'm eating about the same amount of calories and protein, I'm much hungrier than usual. Probably because you can eat so much more food when it's good for you food. I can't wait until friday. I definitely couldn't keep this up.

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