

Several years ago, I bought this book at urban outfitters. I was going through a stage where I liked to buy little books. Without giving too much away, this book has you visualize specific things, and then tells you what they mean with regards to different areas of your life. I was impatient, and didn't visualize a detailed image- just the basics- before reading the key. It was a sad day when I realized that I couldn't back up and get an accurate analysis of myself. So to make up for this, I literally cubed everyone I knew well in 1998 (when I picked up the book). Then I put it away and forgot about it, until a few weeks ago when I came across it while cleaning. This weekend, *ba* and *ja* came in (since I had the house to myself) and I cubed the three of us. It had been long enough that I didn't remember what most things stood for, so I came up with a fairly accurate image, and the analysis was dead on to my personality. Crazy. Let me know if you want me to cube you. It's a good time.

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