

As part of the bonus gift from my last clinique purchase, I now receive marie claire magazine- free for a year. I'm always looking for good mindless reads for the gym, and this is perfect for that. I brought it along for my last elliptical workout, and among other things, read about the rise of china's nouveaux riches. It's all about these super wealthy chinese folks who go way over the top- solid gold toilets, sports cars for their 7 year olds, an obscene number of servants, etc- all americanized luxuries in the orient. Basically like the paris hilton's of china. I wasn't very impressed to start with, and then I read this quote from one father- ye mingqin, "We live a Western life here. My kids are like banana's: yellow on the outside, but white on the inside." Excuse me? Banana's? Yellow on the outside and white inside? I'm offended, and I'm not even chinese. I almost fell off the machine when I read that.


Evil Twin #1 said...

oh, i prefer the term twinkie! and i am not offended.

stephanie said...

Interesting et#1- I would have thought this might bother you. Twinkies does sound better though- it seems a little less serious somehow...