

I went to target today to pick up four things- a lightweight black hat for jogging to keep my ears warm, some cheapy long underwear pants for jogging to keep my legs warm, a stopwatch to time the jogs, and some of those velcro wrist weights to keep my hands busy while my legs are working- all things that target should have. Except that today, I found nothing. I wandered around the store for close to an hour in vain. It seems that since it's january 30th, all the hats have made their way to some discount store in order to make room for all the spring gear- bags, sunhats, bathing suits. Same goes for the long underwear. The wrist weights they actually should have (since they're on sale this week- thus my reasoning behind going there), but they were out of stock. I picked up a rain check. The stopwatch was a lost cause. I found some regular timex type watches, but I really just wanted an actual stopwatch that I could throw in my pocket. By the time I left, I was really annoyed. I spent four dollars. Two on a three pack of stride gum, and two on a bag of mini peppermint patties, of which I ate six upon getting to the car. It's a good thing I was going straight to the gym, because my blood pressure must have been off the charts.

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