

Yesterday was a busy, busy day. I had the nutcracker performance from 1 to 3 downtown. (It was great- *m* did a very good job as a doll, and her parents picked up the $125 tab for my third row seat.) Then it was out to acton for my grandmother's memorial mass from 5-6. Then over to *ja's* parent's house, and back into boston for our 10 year high school reunion. They'd set up a block of rooms at the hilton down on broad street, so a group of us booked a room. The reunion had been put together at the last minute (everyone assumed the folks who had organized the 5 year reunion would put this one together, and it wasn't until two months before that it became apparent they weren't. Luckily, *mg* was good enough to get stuff together at the last minute) so it was at a bar in fanueil hall instead of in some fancy hotel with catering. The good news is that this worked out much better for most people. Some people didn't find out about it until a few hours before the thing started, and they were still able to just show up. We grabbed some indian food before heading over to the bar, and got there around 9. There were a lot of people there. Our class was about 325, and there were probably 120ish at the reunion. There were a bunch of people who were there who weren't at the 5 year, so that was great too. I like reunions, because everyone is pretty much over the whole social groupings of high school. Not completely I guess, but we all had gone through school together, so we had a bond to begin with. I'm really glad I went. After we left the bar, we stopped at a store 24 and got a couple pints of ben and jerry's. We all hung out in the room eating ice cream and chatting. The funny thing was that I had walked around the bar by myself catching up with people, and felt like I'd seen pretty much everyone there. (Although I didn't take nearly any pictures which I'm very mad about now.) Then when we were talking later, someone would mention seeing someone I hadn't seen. I guess there really were a lot of people there! Good times....good times.

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