

So *ac*, *ec*, *nn* and I are all doing what's been dubbed the "fall of fitness." Basically, someone comes up with a challenge each week or two, and we keep track of how we do. This week and last week, our challenge was to do 3 hours each of cardio, weights, and stretching. The cardio was easy since I try to run or use the elliptical pretty regularly. The weights also weren't tough- I love this one hour class called women on weights, so that was doable. The stretching part was rough. I stretch after running or doing the weights class, but for less than 5 mins. I'm not a fan of yoga, but there weren't really any other options. The good news is that *nn* told me about the on-demand shows. I did one called "yoga for a better back" tonight. It was hilarious. I thought that it was from the 80's. The woman had a super short but puffy haircut, with.....a tail. Not just a normal middle of the neck straggly thing, but a side tail that was clearly curled with a curling iron. I did some research, and it turns out it's not from the 80's, but from 1998 which is not so long ago. Her tail reminded me of a story my brother told me when he was in junior high. Some kid in his english class had a tail, and kept playing with it. I guess it bothered the teacher, because eventually she went behind him, cut it off, and tacked it to the board. This was probably in 1992. I can't even start to imagine what sort of legal action would occur if this happened today. Crazy.


Zandrea! said...

Fall Fit Quest!!

stephanie said...

Oops- you're right. Where'd I get fall of fitness?