

I'm having visitors! Tomorrow, my friend from san diego *ac* is staying over, along with another friend *js*. *ac* will be here monday and tuesday nights too. I'm really excited. I only see *ac* a few times a year, but we always have such a great time that I wish we could get together more often. I'm currently working on getting her and her husband to move back to the boston area. Another visitor is an old college roommate *nk*, who is staying here for the first week of her medical externship at tufts, where she'll be for a month before going to brown, and then umass medical center in worcester each for another month. She's in her fourth year of med school and she's a smarty. I haven't seen her in a long time, so I'm happy she'll be here before I leave for the big trip. My sister's also staying here since she's working nearby for the rest of the summer, so I'll always have someone to keep me company!

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