

That sox vs sox game last night was unbelievable! Nineteen innings! I can't imagine how those poor players were feeling after six plus hours of batting/fielding. I know how the fans were feeling- tired. Especially that guy they kept showing who was asleep. I have to say...although I wish the red sox had won (and they should have if they'd argued that bad call), it was such a good game that it was okay that they didn't. They gave it their best against the second rated team, so that's okay. Plus the yankee's lost, so we're still three games ahead of them. I was looking online to find record innings in games, and I found this site which has all sorts of interesting facts, like; the shortest nine inning game was the national league new york against philadelphia on 9.28.1919, and it ran only 51 mins! How pissed would you be if you paid good money for those tickets?

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