Here's the whole scoop on the much anticipated camping trip. Took the ferry to george's island saturday morning. Hung out there and checked out the cool fort for a bit. Pretended we were shooting cannons off at the bad guys, and sister *j* scared the crap out of me two times while I was gingerly descending the VERY dark and foggy stairs to an underground room. (Which I swear had bats in it!)Then took the inner-island ferry to grape island (that's a photo of it up there). Set up our tents and the tarp over the picnic table, and then it started pouring. We played some cards (*k* and *j* kicked butt) and then did some hiking around the island. The beaches were pretty sweet- all slate rock and mussel shells. (Pics over there of *k*, *j* and our dad walking the beach, and my foot with the shells.**) We worked as a team to get a fire going. *j* found an old dock up on the beach that we then tore apart for wood, and I dug a fire pit area and built up a wall to protect it from the wind. We had to build it below the high tide line, but luckily, the tide schedule worked perfectly in our favor. We got a great fire going, and made foil packets for dinner (hamburger, potatoes and onions wrapped in tin foil and stuck under the coals for 10 mins) and then s'mores for dessert. Then we sat there and watched the tide drown our fire out (pic of *k* on the rock watching it drown**). More card games, and then we called it a night. Slept pretty well despite the downpours and thunder/lightening at 4:30am and 7am, and woke up dry thanks to my fabulous tent. On sunday we took a wild edibles tour. I ate some curly dock(?) leaves and something else. I also got a new nickname from my siblings; "short legs". Just to clarify for you readers who don't know me, I'm 5 foot 9, which is pretty tall by normal standards. However, I happen to be the shortest kid in my family. *j* is 5 foot 11(but has freakishly long legs compared to her torso length), *b* is 6 foot 4.5 and *k* is 6 foot 5. There's a photo of *j*, *k* and myself up on a big rock.** This is where the name first came about. It was, "Hey *j*, short legs is going to try to hop up here. Ha ha." It continued from there, and became the snickering as I stepped up a very large step, and the surprised "Hey! Short legs made it!" So yup, I'm now to be known as short legs.**Note- the promised pictures are not included because blogger stinks right now, and won't add them even though it seems to think it is. So you only get the picture of grape island for now. If things start working right around here, I'll add them later, but it's been four days with no luck so far.
1 comment:
Steph-- I usually have good luck with flickr posting pictures. Is that what you are using? Since it's on a different server and all you do is link, it usually is better than blogger.
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