

I have recently become more aware of how little I know about things. Eight year old *m* constantly comes home from school and shares some obscure fact that her teacher told her. I swear I learn more from her than I ever did in school. In the past few days, I've found that things I've taken for fact have been incorrect. Take today for example. I was visiting my friends with the new baby, and I told them that the only part of the human body that is the same size from birth to adulthood is the eyeball. I don't remember where I heard this, but I've believed it for years and years. After I said this, I started to wonder about the validity of it all, and when I got home, I did a search online. I found that a baby does not have a full grown eyeball, but an eyeball that's 66-75% of the size it will become. So relatively speaking, it's still enormous in those little baby heads, but not nearly as impressive as I'd thought. From now on, I'm going to double check before I go spouting off a bunch of lies.

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